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general environment中文是什么意思

用"general environment"造句"general environment"怎么读"general environment" in a sentence


  • 一般环境


  • General environment design of high - grade villa area
  • This help page was written with general environment settings in mind
  • Listeria exists naturally in the soil and general environment , but in some soft mould - ripened cheeses and ptes can be present in higher numbers
  • One is apt to overlook the general environment behind the event . it is the environment we created that has produced our elite
  • In our recent designs , more extensive soft landscaping has been incorporated to the boundaries to enhance the general environment , providing a pleasant space for student activities after school hours
  • This article analyzes the major content of finance environmental management in the two aspects of the general environment of financial management and the specific environment of financial management
  • Then , in view of the present situation , the external general environment , the competitive rivalry and the internal resource capability are treated as the main subject to get swot analysis
  • The special environment of cadre ' s growing up is his development environment , which takes direct effect on cadre ' s growing up . the other general environment takes effect on cadre through the special environment mostly
  • The pedestrian plan advocated in the study is in fact more than a plan for pedestrian facilities . in fact , the concept of a quality public realm is the foundation , and the call is for more integrated efforts in improving the general environment
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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